Nitin Sawhney
Project Overview
Our incredible journey with Nitin Sawhney started in the year 2000 with visuals for his Beyond Skin tour. We then got invited to create the visual album ‘Prophesy’, an experimental film that explored the themes of technology and development in what was then a pre 9/11 world. Filmed in 4 continents the edit included interviews with Nelson Mandela, Indigenous Native Americans, Aborigines as well as Chicago taxi drivers and Dallas rappers. Since then we have produced the visuals for a number of Nitin’s world tours and one off Royal Albert Hall shows as well as bespoke one off projects such as Confluence, Dystopian Dream and No Body at Sadler’s Wells and Opera Shorts at the Royal Opera House.

“Powerful visuals are projected behind the band with a message that is felt rather than thought. No wonder ratio can’t handle it.” — The Guardian
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