Exhibition Design
Jadids - Letters to Turkestan
Project Overview
Jadids. Letters to Turkestan’ was a video installation spanning 6 large rooms and across over 35 projectors. It told the story of the Jadids movement. A group of people who originated in Central Asia in the late 19th and early 20th century. This was movement which stood for unity, gender equality, and progressive education (amongst many other positive things). In the 1920’s many Jadids came to Europe to study in the hope that their new found knowledge would help evolve their homeland and build for a better and fairer society. On their return home they were quickly imprisoned and many were subsequently killed by the Soviets who perceived them as a threat to the Soviet land expansion. A story that of course has tragic parallels across the world today.
Commissioned by the Uzbekistan Art and Culture Development Foundation
Curation, Creative Direction and Video Design – YeastCulture.org
Exhibition design – Shin Hagiwara and Shizuka Hariu (SHSH)
AV technical management – Samuel Jeffs (Blue I Group) HyperPartners Uzbekistan
Special thanks to the scientific curator of the exhibition – Bakhrom Irzayev
Composer: Jasur Javkhanazarov
Organising Committee:
Saida Mirziyoyeva – Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Gayane Umerova – Chairperson of Art and Culture Development Foundation
Elmurod Najimov – First Deputy Chairperson of Art and Culture Development Foundation
Azizbek Mannopov – Head of the Cultural Cooperation Department of Art and Culture Development Foundation Salokhiddinkhuja Suratkhodjaev – Project Manager of Art and Culture Development Foundation.
Tim Grabham
Flint Studio
Monika Sieminska